February is National Canned Food Month!

What are some things that make February special? We often think about Valentine’s Day, the hearts, and the roses. Fun Fact: 2024 is a leap year, so we have 29 days in this month of February. Also! Did you know that February is National Canned Food Month? Yes, a whole month dedicated to canned food! National Canned Food Month is celebrated every year in recognition and appreciation of the convenience and versatility canned food brings. Keep reading to learn more about canned food, its history, and how you can join in on this celebration.

What Makes Canned Food Different From Regular Food?

Canned food uses a different preservation method. It undergoes a process where it is sealed in airtight containers and heated to destroy microorganisms (Schmutz). This preservation technique extends its shelf life, which makes it safe to eat even if you leave it out for long periods. Canned food does not require refrigeration and is convenient for storage and transportation.

Rows of stacked canned food: Source
History of Canned Food

Canning to preserve food began in the early 1800s. Before canning, people relied on salting, drying, sugaring, and smoking to preserve their food. In 1795, the French government offered a prize of 12,000 francs to encourage the development of a food preservation technique capable of supporting large numbers of French troops, stationed on land or at sea (How Did We Can?). In 1809, Nicolas Appert, a French inventor, won a contest set up by the government when he developed a new process to preserve food that involved heating and storing the food in an airtight glass container. In 1810, British businessman Peter Durand introduced tin-canned foods (“Canned Food”). After the end of the economic depression in 1873, exports of canned goods boomed. Today, canned goods are used nearly everywhere and by everyone.

Woman smiling while holding a glass container filled with food: Source
10 Benefits of Canned Food
  1. Ready to use, making meal preparation quick and easy
  2. Is cost-effective compared to fresh or frozen food
  3. Doesn’t require refrigeration
  4. Has a long shelf life that typically lasts for years
  5. Available year-round
  6. Minimizes food spoilage, which helps reduce food waste
  7. Ensures food availability during emergencies or shortages
  8. Nutrients and vitamins from fresh ingredients are locked in during the canning process (Sustainable Packaging News, 2023)
  9. Comes in different options, such as fruits, vegetables, meats, soups, etc.
  10. Contributes to environmental sustainability as the metal cans are recyclable (Sustainable Packaging News, 2023)
Canned food stacked on shelves: Source
Join Us and Contribute to the Kodiak Cave’s Food Drive

What’s a better way to celebrate National Canned Food Month than to donate? If you have those cans of beans and meat sitting in your pantry for a long time and they’re still good, consider donating them to the Kodiak Cave. Not only do you get to help out some Cascadia students, but you also get to enjoy that freed up pantry space. Don’t know where to drop them off? The Kodiak Cave is holding a food and hygiene drive all month. All the donation items will go to Cascadia students through their Kodiak Cave pantry trips. All Cascadia students are able to shop up to four times per quarter!

We have four spots throughout campus where you can drop off shelf stable, unopened, and unexpired food and hygiene items.


  • CC3 Lobby
  • Kodiak Corner
  • Student Learning Suite (CC1-140)
  • ARC Lobby

Works Cited

“Canned Food Month.” National Today, 11 Aug. 2023, nationaltoday.com/canned-food-month.

How Did We Can? | About. www.nal.usda.gov/exhibits/ipd/canning/about.

Schmutz, Pamela. “Canning Foods at Home | Home &Amp; Garden Information Center.” Home & Garden Information Center | Clemson University, South Carolina, 12 July 2023, hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/canning-foods-at-home.

Sustainable Packaging News. (2023, March 16). CANNED FOODS HELP COMBAT FOOD WASTEhttps://spnews.com/cans-combat-food-waste/

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