Seasonal Produce: How To Get the Best Fruits and Veggies Year-Round

Did you know that most fruits and vegetables have seasons, so the time of year you buy them at the grocery store can make a big difference for their flavor and freshness! You might notice there are tons of different apples in the grocery store in fall months, or that during the summer, tomatoes and squash are popular choices; these are the growing seasons on display. This seasonality is the case with most produce items, including berries, citrus, asparagus, and even greens and lettuces!

In Washington specifically, the growing seasons might differ from other states, but thankfully, the Washington State Department of Agriculture has created an easy reference for all of us trying to buy the tastiest veggies throughout the year

Fruits and Herbs Seasonality Chart – Washington State Department of Agriculture

Right now, WA’s peak harvest consists of things like carrots, spinach, asparagus, and chives. But by the end of spring quarter, we’ll start to see more berries, artichokes, cucumbers, and stone fruits (like apricots or plums). When equipped with the knowledge of which seasons your produce is typically grown, you can reap benefits like:

  • Potentially saving money at the grocery store from getting more locally grown items, rather than items that need their growing seasons imitated
  • Increasing your sustainability and environmental efforts by eating local, in-season fruits and veggies
  • More delicious, ripe produce for your meals grown in ideal conditions before they make it to your plate

Next time you’re at the grocery store, take a moment to find your favorite fruits or vegetables and check out when they’re grown!

Fully stocked vegetable shelves

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