Honey Honey.. How it Thrills Me!

Have you ever been overwhelmed in a grocery store? Story of my life. There are so many different types and variations of the same food source, how could one not get at least a little confused?  Let’s dissect one of these products in particular: Honey. It is classified as part of the carbohydrates and addedContinue reading “Honey Honey.. How it Thrills Me!”

Easy Ways to Use Your Kodiak Cave Groceries

The Kodiak Cave has a variety of great ingredients that all Cascadia students have access to 4 times per quarter! The question is… what do you do with the ingredients once you take them home and are ready to start cooking? To answer that very question, we’ve compiled a list of some basic, easy waysContinue reading “Easy Ways to Use Your Kodiak Cave Groceries”

Understanding Food System Information: A Glossary of Terms You Might Need To Know

With the constant influx of information surrounding food, agriculture, sustainability, and so many related fields, sometimes it can be difficult to navigate all the terms that are used to describe food in our society. Because of that, we’ve compiled a list of terms that you may come across, but not fully understand: Food System: AContinue reading “Understanding Food System Information: A Glossary of Terms You Might Need To Know”

How To Make Grocery Shopping on a Budget Taste Better

Sometimes the recipes we find online can look perfect, but when we tally up the ingredients we need to get to make that meal, it’s just not within our budget. Or sometimes the only things we can afford are a box of pasta and a jar of tomato sauce. Or sometimes we just want toContinue reading “How To Make Grocery Shopping on a Budget Taste Better”

Seasonal Produce: How To Get the Best Fruits and Veggies Year-Round

Did you know that most fruits and vegetables have seasons, so the time of year you buy them at the grocery store can make a big difference for their flavor and freshness! You might notice there are tons of different apples in the grocery store in fall months, or that during the summer, tomatoes andContinue reading “Seasonal Produce: How To Get the Best Fruits and Veggies Year-Round”

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