ICYMI: Spring Veggie Frittata Bear Necessities Meal Kit!

In case you missed it: The Kodiak Cave gave out FREE Spring Veggie Frittata kits over the last few weeks! If you don’t know, a frittata is an egg-based dish that allows for so much creativity. For our rendition, we added fresh herbs, cheese, and in-season asparagus to celebrate some spring veggies. The best partContinue reading “ICYMI: Spring Veggie Frittata Bear Necessities Meal Kit!”

Recipe: Microwave Mug Muffins!

Craving a warm, freshly baked muffin but you’re short on time and you want to avoid the hassle of making a big batch? These microwave muffins in a mug are the perfect solution! In just a few minutes, you can whip up a single-serving muffin that’s moist, fluffy, and oh-so-delicious. Skip that long wait toContinue reading “Recipe: Microwave Mug Muffins!”

National Blueberry Pancake Day

Are you a pancake fan? Did you know that there’s a day dedicated to celebrating blueberry pancakes? That’s right – January 30th is National Blueberry Pancake Day. Fun fact: According to USDA’s Economic Research Service, blueberries are the second-most produced berries in the United States, after strawberries. Whether it’s for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, youContinue reading “National Blueberry Pancake Day”

Nailing the Basics: Nutritious Breakfast Foods

As they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There is nothing like waking up and making a satisfying, tasty breakfast. In this post, I will share four delicious breakfast foods and how to make them to get the creative juices flowing! Whether you prefer sweet or savory in the morning, theseContinue reading “Nailing the Basics: Nutritious Breakfast Foods”

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